V2WORK Map 01 2019 543f1

V2WORK – “Strengthening the Vietnamese Higher Education System to improve graduates’ employability and entrepreneurship skills” – is a three year Erasmus+ Capacity Building structural project co-financed by the European Commission whose aim is to strengthen the capacities of the Vietnamese HE System to improve the employability & entrepreneurship skills of its graduates, and to reinforce its relationships with the labour market, in line with the Vietnamese government’s priority of improving graduate employment at a national level.

V2WORK specifically aims to

  1. Modernise career support services of 8 Vietnamese HEIs by building institutional & human capacities in employability and entrepreneurship skills so they can become efficient & dynamic instruments to promote & support employment & entrepreneurship among HEI students & graduates.
  2. Reinforce university-enterprise relationships through the development of mechanisms to foster active involvement of enterprises in the Career Centres.

V2WORK will achieve these objectives by

  • An in-depth analysis of current situation of graduate employability & labour market needs to define partner trainings & institutional needs
  • Building Vietnamese HEI Career Centre staff capacities on professional competences & sectoral skills
  • Launching new employment/employability/entrepreneurship services in each HEI
  • Undertaking targeted networking actions between HEIs & industry
  • Creating a Network of HEI Career Centres in Vietnam

Link to the website: https://www.v2work.eu/

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